Press Releases
  • ECHA updates the Candidate List with six new Substances

    2013-07-22 16:38:25

    ECHA has added six substances to the Candidate List which now contains 144 substances
  • State releases proposed regulations

    2012-12-18 11:50:19

    SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) unveiled proposed regulations today that establish performance goals for the collection and recycling of used thermostats containing toxic mercury. “Our proposed regulation is an important step in protecting Californians and our environment from the harmful effects of mercury,” said DTSC’s Director Deborah Raphael.
  • 4 New RoHS exemptions consultation starts

    2012-12-13 17:00:52

    New RoHS stakeholder consultation of 4 exemptions is online now. This consultation held by German Oko-Institute starts 09 November 2012 and will run 12 weeks until 01 February 2013. Oko hopes stakeholder can actively participate in this exercise for an evaluation with fact-based evidence. 4 exemptions are showed below: 1. "Leaded solder utilized in stacked, area array electronics packaging within ionizing radiation detectors includ
  • EU amends REACH to add new requirement on jewelry

    2012-12-13 16:59:35

    September 19, 2012, EU published a new amendment No. 836/2012 to add lead entry in Annex XVII to control lead level in jewelry coming into the market of EU. If the concentration of lead in jewelry articles or any individual part of them exceeds 500 ppm, they shall not be placed on the market of EU. According to No. 836/2012, this amendment enters into enforcement beginning from 20 days after the date of its publication on Official Jour
  • Australia amends toys standard

    2012-12-13 16:49:00

    Recently, Australia and New Zealand STANDARDS Agency published a new standard for toys safety AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2012. This new standard is based on ISO 8124-3:2010. Two top important modifications are showed in the following: 1. Delete the finger paint requirement but set forth that test for finger paint shall be based on AS 8124.7. 2. Replace the solvent ” 1,1,1-trichloroethane, containing a maximum of 10mg/kg of hydrochloric acid w
  • EU to amend PAHs Entry under REACH Annex XVII

    2012-12-13 16:44:21

    Recently, EU Commission adopted a draft to amend PAHs Entry under REACH Annex XVII to enlarge the scope of PAHs entry to consumer products. In accordance with this amendment, PAHs limits to any accessible rubber or plastic component of articles that come into direct and prolonged contact with human skin or the oral cavity under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use shall not exceed 1 mg/kg, or not the articles shall be plac
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