Supplementing Council of Europe Resolution CM/Res(2020)9, EDQM published 2nd Edition of Technical guide for manufacturers and regulators on METALS AND ALLOYS used in food contact materials and articles.
The main changes from the first edition are:
1. Chromium: the specific release limit (SRL) is set at 1 mg/kg (former limit: 0.250 mg/kg).
2. Manganese: the SRL is set at 0.55 mg/kg (former limit: 1.8 mg/kg).
3. Thallium: the SRL was corrected to 0.001 mg/kg (former limit: 0.0001 mg/kg).
4. A new section on zirconium has been added and the SRL is set at 2 mg/kg.
5. Guidance on release testing has been updated to ensure coherence with the Testing conditions for kitchenware articles in contact with foodstuffs: Plastics, Metals, Silicone & Rubber or its revisions (Beldi et al., 2021).
6. The chapter on the declaration of compliance in the first edition was omitted from the current edition of Resolution CM/Res(2020)9.
FCM and articles within the scope of this Technical Guide shall comply with the SRLs set out below in Tables 1 and 2.